Past work:
Interaction of scapular morphology and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty positioning on Glenohumeral joint function
From April 2022 to September 2023 I developed, tested and ran a computational biomechanical pipeline combining state of the art musculoskeletal modeling and predictive simulation software (OpenSim) to evaluate the the postoperative effects of specific RTSA surgical placement, designs and patient scapular morphology. By utilising available commercial designs, computational anatomy techniques, such as medical image segmentation and statistical shape modelling, and the biomechanical pipeline an in-silico patient study was performed to investigate the effect of morphologic variability and assist in the optimisation of future surgical technologies and techniques.
This study was accepted for a podium presentation and Business Innovation Competition at the 2023 ORS Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. The next stage of this project involves generating a large dataset of possible morphological, design and surgical perturbations through setting up the simulation framework on HPC Clusters to generate the data efficiently.
I designed this workflow by observing and discussing with orthopaedic surgeons to interpret their needs as well as gaining deep understanding of the latest developments in the field of orthopaedic technology.
This novel study has been published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research as of January 2024.
Estimating the viscoelastic properties of the cervical spine
A large part of my doctoral work relied on developing a model that would charectarise the response of the cervical spine to high energy axial impacts. I developed an experimental and computational framework that estimated and verified the necessary model parameters that allowed correct approximation of measured experimental motion. By verifying computational models with precise experimental data that replicated the real world system under investigation I was able to create a physiologically plausible model with as much ground truth data as possible.
Novel techniques of securing transverse patellar fractures
Collaborated alongside orthopaedic surgeons and biomedical engineers to conseptualise and carry out a mechanical study to evaluate the potential for novel patellar fixation strategies that would reduce trauma to patients. Was part of the data collection team and was the lead far the data processing, analysis and visualisation.
We were successful in publishing this paper in the peer reviewed journal Injury in 2020.